Por más que miro por internet sólo me sale de temas jerárquicos con machos no he encontrado nada entre hembras.
Lo que en general se encuentra en castellano (no he mirado especificamente el tema de las hembras) es siempre lo mismo. Bastante repetitivo y pasando muy por encima de cada tema.

No sé cómo te llevas con el inglés pero seguro que encuentras información bastante más completa.
A veces los traductores de internet parecen centrados en boicotear que se entienda nada más que en lo contrario pero con imaginación, reconstruyendo alguna frase....

Bearded Dragon Behavior - South Texas Dragons

Bearded dragons may be kept together when they are young, but once they start to display dominant and submissive behaviors they should be moved to separate enclosures. Bearded dragons have been shown to display dominant & submissive behaviors when they are as young as 4 months. Whenever 2 or more bearded dragons are kept together they will form a social hierarchy resulting in 1 dominant dragon, usually the largest male, and any others will be submissive. If there are more than 2 dragons in the enclosure, there will also be a hierarchy among the submissive dragons. This usually results in the most submissive dragon being denied access to food, UVB, a choice basking spot, etc. It will also result in the most submissive dragon living constantly under stress which is detrimental to their health and can increase the chances that the submissive dragon will become ill, infested with parasites, or be injured.

