Wotlk Arena PvP Comp Guide Wrath of the Lich King Classic

So instead of just say oh this comp is excellent, try to WoW Classic SoD Goldprove this comp is bad, etc. I'll explain what makes a good team through this short video. There are many factors that determine whether a team's composition is great or bad for the arenas but I'm going to be simplifying everything down to four things and number one is tension, second being synergy the third one being crowd management, and number four , survivability.

A very strong cop has the four things listed above however, you don't necessarily need all four to achieve something. The first step is pressure. This is merely applying damage to a target potentially creating an opportunity to kill.

Many cops create pressure in different ways. For instance, Turbo leave creates pressure by purging off all of the buffs that are on the chilled target while doing a ton of damage, in conjunction together with Mortal Strike and of course when shearing the healer. Because all three factors create so much pressure, they don't require CC for learning to kill.

There are also teams that are more dependent on CC than damage DeLanda until they are usually Spelke leaves, such as major lock Shaman. Since this team has so lots of crowd control, it is very common to see a spell leave taking control of the entire team, while searching for an ideal target that is out of place.

While both of these teams play in very different styles, they both end up generating the same outcome, which creates a lot of Cheap WoW SoD Gold pressure on the kill goal as well as a chance to hit the tail. If a team can't generate any pressure, then it's unlikely they'll succeed in landing HL and therefore creating poor team composition.